Bruxism is a medical condition that is characterized by teeth clenching and the subconscious contraction of the masseter or temporalis muscles. This can happen when an individual is awake or asleep. Often, the condition goes undetected, and can lead to more serious dental problems like tooth loss and malocclusion. To get your malocclusion fixed though you simply need braces. But if you aren’t comfortable with them you can try the clear braces instead. Now as to the treatment of bruxism, studies indicate that botox can be effectively used to treat it.
Botox injections can help the temporalis and masseter muscles to relax, thus preventing the painful contractions that characterize bruxism. Traditionally, botox is used in cosmetic treatments to minimize skin wrinkling. Botox injections temporarily paralyze muscles, thus helping to reverse the signs of aging.
How Botox for Bruxism Treatment is Administered
The administration of botox for bruxism is a straightforward procedure. Botox gets injected into the muscles via a thin needle. The procedure is generally painless. Many patients point out that they experience a noticeable change soon after receiving the injection. The muscles stop feeling as tight as they were before the injection. The results of botox for bruxism often become more manifest a week or two after undergoing the treatment. Patients stop experiencing sore jaws and teeth, and the debilitating headaches that they previously endured.
Besides the positive medical side effects of the treatment, there are also various cosmetic benefits. After undergoing the procedure, your jawline tends to get leaner, and the cheekbones more visible than they were. What makes botox the most suitable treatment for bruxism is the fact that unlike other treatments, patients’ ability to bite or chew food isn’t affected. Therefore, the treatment doesn’t disrupt their lives in any way.
Possible Side Effects
Some patients experience moderate to severe pain as soon as the botox injection is administered to their masseter and temporalis muscles. Often, the pain fades away almost immediately. Similarly, it has been pointed out that botox injections can cause bone density loss, especially if they are administered repeatedly.