woman with bandage wondering if her plastic surgery fails

Sometimes a plastic surgery fails

Having a face injury can traumatize your psychology apart from your looks. Accidents can happen in the everyday routine as well as at workplace or sports. Precautions taken by people in sports fields include wearing helmets and mouth guards (you can read more about mouth guards at dentalspot.com.au) but no one can be fully protected. These accidents can happen anywhere at the gym, a recreation center, in a fight and in places of comfort like our home.

Medical advancements have made us so confident that regardless of the scars or the damage on our facesface scar after the plastic surgery fails to restore injury we can be sure that we can get it fixed with the help of plastic surgery. However, sometimes a plastic surgery fails to restore the damaged face. For those that have already been part of the process and are victims of plastic surgery failures, it is stressful and traumatizing. The whole purpose of going for surgery is to restore the damage done to one’s face. Strangely, according to a study done by Tilmann von Soest it was observed that women who had undergone surgery tended to be more depressed and stressed compared to their equals who had not. In another research published in the International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience, it was discovered that cosmetic surgery had a significant impact on one’s self-esteem and self-concept. It is good to think about how you will look after surgery but most doctors recommend minding about how you will feel after the surgery.

It is a well-known fact that surgery has its own complications and all can be done is to find ways to mitigate complications but total success is never guaranteed. Therefore, one should be counseled properly before undergoing any surgery in order to mitigate the after effects that come with such surgeries.

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